So - where are we now? What has happened in the last 6 weeks or so???
UK Budget that is borrowing more and more - I suppose that is in keeping with how we are treating the planet. We simply borrow more and more of creation. The trouble is we are creating a debt that will simply be unpayable and will be borne by the next two or three generations. After that life will be so radically different.
In the USA commentators seem to agree that President Obama is acting faster than any previous President in his efforts to address Climate Change. Maybe he is just looking at his daughters and realising just how much his actions will affect their futures.
Tesco Supermarkets will display the Carbon Footprint of Toilet Paper. Apparently 200 sheets of toilet paper = one carton of orange juice as far as carbon footprints are concerned. Well now you know - but will it make any difference?
Facing rising sea levels, extreme weather patterns, and lower crop yields, countries in Southeast Asia are slowly waking up to the impact of climate change. Coastal towns in